Terms of Service
The use of this website constitutes acceptance of these rules.
- The owner of the website www.huber-arch.pl hereinafter referred to as the Service is Architect Joseph Huber.
- The website serves as the presentation of the creative achievements of the Owner. All presented projects and realizations have the status of architectural works.
- Arch. Joseph Huber as the creator of the presented works and architectural projects,has Personal copyrights which performs in accordance with Art. 16. Law of 4 February 1994. On Copyright and Related Rights (consolidated text of 2006., Journal of Laws No. 90, item. 631, as amended. D.).
- Copyright to any materials contained in the Site, including, in particular, to project, Photos, text, graphics, images, characters and layout belong to architect Josef Huber and are protected by law in accordance with the provisions of the Act of February 4, 1994. Copyright and Related Rights (consolidated text of 2006., Journal of Laws No. 90, item. 631, as amended. d.)..
- The contents of the Site may not be reproduced or distributed in any form and in any way any fields of use, including copying, photocopying and digitization, including web publishing, without the written consent of the Owner. Any use or using a work in whole or in part without permission from the owner for purposes other than non-commercial private purposes is a violation of copyright and intellectual property rights.
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- Only the owner of the site shall decide what to share and closing access to the Service.
- User is obliged to use the Service in accordance with the law, the provisions of these regulations and good practices, while respecting intellectual property rights.
- any information and data contained in the Site does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.
Cookies policy
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